April 23, 2016


This track was made with Ableton Live and Reason. Most of the instruments were done in Reason using the Thor synthesizer and the arrangement and other effects in Ableton.

Frequent use automation on filters on the instruments was used to control the dynamics. Transitions relied heavily on increasing/decreasing white noise and reverse cymbal with crash cymbal immediately after. Buildups also relied on the increasing/decreasing amount of white noise as well as the riser. The sidechain track does not produce any audible output but is there to provide a trigger for the sidechain-ed compressors on the other instruments.


Arp was created with a dull short sound and the RPG-8 arpeggiator. The auto pan effect was added to make the arpeggiated notes bounce left and right.


Bass was tuned lower and heavily low pass filtered.


Keys uses the “Water Piano” samples from Reason that comes with the NN-XT sampler. A lot of reverb was added onto it. It’s also heavily compressed with a sidechain trigger; combined with the beat of the notes themselves, 4 3/16th notes and 1 1/4th note in a bar, this made for an interesting pumping effect.


Kick triggers 2 sounds at the same time, the first for the lower boom, the second for the higher clicky sound.


Lead has 3 oscillators, one each for low, mid and high. A chorus and reverb effect was added.


Noise uses the Ableton Operator white noise generator. Filter automation curves were drawn to control the amount of noise at each section. Heavy compression was also added triggered by the sidechain to give the pumping effect.


Riser uses 2 saw waves, one with a frequency controlled by automation to make its pitch rise/fall.

- ksami