June 11, 2017

Cross-Origin Communication Between Windows

As anyone developing for the web, whether backend or frontend, will know, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is the source of many headaches; but, to its credit, it’s responsible for letting us all browse the web a little safer.

The problem we came across was how to enable communication between a popup and its parent window when the two windows were on different domains. The aim was to close the popup after it has landed on a certain URL after a chain of redirects.

By default, CORS will prevent the parent window from reading any information about the popup’s location. Hence the following would not work:

// on example.org

var popup = window.open("http://example2.org");

// Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "http://example.org" from accessing a cross-origin frame.

(Side note: TIL someone bought example2.org and helpfully set up a page that says in H1 “It works!”; thank you stranger!)

By messing around in Chrome DevTools and digging around the documentation at Mozilla Developer Network, which I think is still the best source for web/Javascript documentation, we managed to find a method that might fit our use case: Window.postMessage(). According to the documentation, “Window.postMessage() provides a controlled mechanism to circumvent [CORS restrictions] in a way which is secure when properly used”.

The postMessage() mechanism consists of two parts: a postMessage() on the sender’s end, and an event listener for "message" on the receiver’s end. This would mean both sender and receiver would have to be aware and prepared for a message. In addition, there are a few other checks to enhance security.

Fortunately, we could control the response from the final destination. Using that, we came up with the solution to return a HTML page with a script tag to execute postMessage() as the response:

// on example.org

var popup = window.open("http://example2.org");

// Listen for messages
window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
    // Ignore messages from unexpected origins
    if(event.origin !== "http://example2.org") {

    if(event.data === "success") {
    } else {
        // Oh no!
// on example2.org

var parent = window.opener;

// Queues a message to be sent to the parent window if the parent's location is "http://example.org"
parent.postMessage("success", "http://example.org");
- ksami
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