Holiday Plans
Now that I’m back from Korea, I actually have to start doing something productive with my time.
Been trying to figure out Unity 5 by following tutorials and such. I’ve used an older version of Unity before about 4 years back but Unity 5 brings with it many new features so I have to re-learn Unity. A much-hyped feature is a networking API known as UNET which aims to make multiplayer game development simpler.
The problem with UNET now though is that since it is so new, documentation is thin and examples and tutorials are few and far between. It still shows promise though and I’ll be trying to push through it making a simple multiplayer FPS.
Another thing I’ve been working on is learning how to use Wordpress, the content management system (CMS) not the blogging site. Just curious why/how it is such a popular CMS. From what I’ve seen so far, it is perhaps more user-friendly for those who don’t code or are unfamiliar with servers and the like.
For me though, I find it really hard to figure out the workflow Wordpress uses and how to do certain things which I am used to when having full SSH access. Also, Wordpress, probably to make it easier to use, seems really restrictive; any editing of code is also really messy with PHP strewn everywhere and split between many different files.
I’ll still continue trying to use it to develop a decent site for now. Wordpress is a popular CMS after all and might be a good skill to add to my repertoire.